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Brew and Stuff

Pilsner Recipe

Pilsner Recipe

Regular price ₱700.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱700.00 PHP
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If you've ever tried a macro lager from the big breweries around the world or even the Philippines, you've likely tried their lager-style beer. Many people start on these types of beers and it does make a great style when done correctly.

This pilsner is a nice simple crisp body with a light flowery and spicy aroma from the classic noble hop in the recipe. Temperature control and patience are a must to brew this beer and style in particular. A great beer for those that love the big breweries but want to brew their own or for those that want a nice, crisp finish without any concern of hop bitterness and the such.

Choose from Saflager W-34/70 or Lallemand Diamond Lager when purchasing this pack.

Ingredients In The Pack:

  • Grain Bill:
    4.5kg Weyermann Pilsner Malt

  • Hops
    50g Hallertauer Mittelfrüh

  • Yeast:
    1x 11.5g Saflager W-34/70
    1x 11g Lallemand Diamond Lager 

Please find the downloadable PDF File for the Bell's Two Hearted IPA Clone Brewing Instructions Here

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